Growing Up

Sharing special moments in my life.

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Location: Chandler, Arizona, United States

As I cast my fishing line into the neighbor's yard, I'm reminded of my sixth grade math teacher's observation - He's just as happy as if he had good sense.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

It's About Time

Closets hold many things. The exercise room closet held objects and memories which K and I no longer needed: household items, books, Christmas and Easter items, knick-knacks, old family photos and wedding china.

For two days, we took turns looking over our past. We gave each other the time, privacy and dignity needed for such a task. We were burying our dead.

We kept those things which brought back good memories. If something was salvageable, we donated it to Goodwill or gave it to friends. The wedding china will be sold in the coming weeks. The remainder went to the trash.

In the coming months, the Tempe house glassware, flatware, cutlery, cooking pots and mixing bowls will be donated to Goodwill. Anything else of the old ways and old life will be removed from the house or sealed and forgotten. We no longer have time to waste on the past.

For that same reason, I donated my wheelchair and cane to Goodwill last Friday. I may need one or the other in the coming years, but I'm not planning my life on either possibility. I have better things to do.



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