Growing Up

Sharing special moments in my life.

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Location: Chandler, Arizona, United States

As I cast my fishing line into the neighbor's yard, I'm reminded of my sixth grade math teacher's observation - He's just as happy as if he had good sense.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Joining the Club

November 1 2005 4:00 am

K is 21 years old today. When she awakens, a big bouquet of flowers awaits her on the kitchen counter along with a carefully chosen card. I wanted to write more in the card, but I kept it short and simple. I've always been more eloquent with flowers and a hug than with words.

I was thinking about how much K's changed in the last few years. She's a college woman now and not a college girl. She's thinner and more athletic. Her hairstyle and clothes are becoming cosmopolitan. She has her own flair as to fashion and decor. She's blooming into her own life.

I'm just happy to be here and watch her grow.

Happy Birthday, K.

love, dad


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