A New Tradition for Thanksgiving

This year, K and I decided to create a splendiferous Foretich Thanksgiving tradition. Out went turkey and in came elegance. With a clean slate and a smooth brain, we piloted ourselves down the aisles of AJ's Fine Foods store in Chandler. They're a gourmet and specialty store catering to discriminating tastes. Well, it sez so on their website, so I hafta believe 'em.
The butcher took our order, the flower staff helped us with a beautiful selection of flowers and the wine steward selected a nice red to complement the rack of lamb. To complement the meal, K made stuffed mushrooms and I did baby red potatoes with butter.
K made the day even better by creating an official Thanksgiving menu. We looked it over as we made dinner and gleefully pointed to the menu item as our masterpieces were completed. We had a grand time tasting our concoctions and enjoying the wine.
By 7:00 pm, we were ready to sit down and enjoy our dinner. We loaded our plates, grabbed a glass of wine and walked past the dining room table. We never eat there. It's strictly for decoration. We went to where we always sit to talk, laugh, giggle and eat. I sat in my Barcolounger and she hugged the inside arm of the deep green sofa. The oak side table between us held our wine glasses and napkins as we balanced plates on our laps. We clinked glasses and sat back for an evening of cheesy James Bond movies on the Spike channel.
It was a grand day.
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